04 August 2008


That being (according to my little book here); "a compulsive desire to pull out one's hair" which by mad coincidence is a sensation I edge towards when the subject of The All Powerful Blog arises.

This is primarily because words have never been my friends, but also because I suffer from aprosexia and an annoying lack of afflatus. More simply put, I have a short attention span and none of that fancy divine artsy inspiration. Also I have the irritable inconvenience of my life not being dark, my hair is less then lank and I have a instinctive aversion to poetry. Mainly because I don’t understand it, and I’m cool with the fact that no one understands me. Honestly, I dun know what people are complaining about. You wouldn’t get too see all those fun expressions of pure confusion if they did.

I'm getting distracted already. Okay, what? RIGHT! Big words. Shock and awe. Why the big words if words aren't my friends? Using the fancy words just makes it sound more like my spleen might come out my nose if my pencil so much as goes blunt, and I have a form somewhere that someone with a medical PHD has scribbled on. Therefore , far more impressive over all. No one OFFICAL really talks in plain English anymore anywho. Especially not in the art world. If observation is anything to go by, an ability to ramble oh so mater-o-factly without actually saying anything is clearly the path to success! I’m really rather surprised we dun get classes on that.

CLASS!!! Aha! I netted my topic in only 3 poorly contructed paragraphs. Go me! Class is why I'm gonna try to make this thing, regardless of my entirely superfical dislike for them. Mutiple Mr teacher persons want us to document our work this way. Which I must say, messes with my master plan to wip something up at the last minute. But not doing one messes with my master plan to get decent grades. Dilemma!!

I'll make a decent entry about what I gotta do and when later. Plans n' so on. Maybe. or I might just throw up some lifedrawings from last semester. Also good.

Meanwhile, while on the topic of blogania, the below is made of awesome.

Note: If I get to 5 of "!"s during the course of this semester. It just means my mind is folding in on itself like an umbrella.